Deploy’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) plugin lets you provision AWS cloud environments and use AWS products for load balancing, storage, container management, and functions as a service. This plugin lets you work with various AWS services such as Amazon EC2, ECS, S3, RDS, EBS, VPC, Lambda, and ELB.
aws.Cloud: Connection to AWS cloud account.
aws.ec2.Instance: Deploys an AWS EC2 instance.
aws.ec2.NetworkInterface: Creates a network interface.
aws.vpc.VPC: Creates a virtual private cloud.
aws.ec2.EBSVolume: AWS EBS volume.
aws.s3.Bucket: Defines an AWS S3 bucket.
aws.s3.UploadedFile: Uploads an file to AWS S3
aws.s3.UploadedArchive: Uploads an archive file to AWS S3
aws.s3.UploadedFolder: Uploads folder to AWS S3
aws.vpc.Subnet: Creates a VPC subnet.
aws.vpc.RouteTable: Creates a VPC RouteTable.
aws.vpc.Route: Creates a route in a route table.
aws.ecs.Cluster: AWS ECS cluster.
aws.ecs.ContainerInstance: Deploys a container in AWS ECS
aws.ecs.Runnable: Deploys an AWS ECS Runnable.
aws.ecs.Task: Deploys and runs a task.
aws.ecs.ContainerDefinition: Creates a container definition.
aws.ecs.EnvironmentFile: A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.
aws.ecs.ResourceRequirement: The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.
aws.ecs.Ulimit: The ulimit settings to pass to the container.
aws.ecs.Secret: The secrets to pass to the container.
aws.ecs.ExtraHost: A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the etchosts file on the container.
aws.ecs.SystemControl: A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.
aws.ecs.LinuxParameters: Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container.
aws.ecs.Device: Any host devices to expose to the container.
aws.ecs.Tmpfs: The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount.
aws.ecs.LogConfiguration: Defines a log configuration mapping.
aws.ecs.Port: Defines a port mapping.
aws.ecs.MountPoint: A mount point for data volume in your container.
aws.ecs.Service: Creates a service that runs on an ECS cluster.
aws.ecs.LoadBalancer: Creates a load balancer in ECS service.
aws.ecr.Repository: Deploys an AWS ECR Repository.
aws.vpc.SecurityGroup: Creates a security group.
aws.vpc.SecurityGroupInboundRule: Creates an inbound rule in security group.
aws.vpc.SecurityGroupOutboundRule: Creates an outbound rule in security group.
aws.elb.ClassicELB: Deploys an AWS Elb.
aws.elb.ClassicListener: Listener for a classic ELB
aws.lambda.Function: Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.
aws.lambda.S3: Deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Zip file.
aws.rds.DBInstance: Creates an RDS DB instance.
aws.elb.ApplicationELB: Creates an application load balancer.
aws.elb.ApplicationListener: Creates a listenert in application load balancer.
aws.elb.ListenerRule: Creates listener rule in application load balancer.
aws.elb.TargetGroup: Creates a target group.
aws.rds.DBSecurityGroup: Creates an RDS DB Security group.
aws.rds.DBSubnetGroup: Creates an RDS DB Subnet group.
aws.api.RestApi: Provision an AWS API Gateway Resource on AWS Cloud
aws.api.Resource: Resource to be managed by AWS API Gateway
aws.api.Method: Method exposed on a resource managed by AWS API Gateway
aws.api.ResponseMapping: Response Mappings that can be used by resources
aws.autoscale.AutoScalingGroup: Provision an AWS auto scaling group
aws.cloudformation.Stack: Define an AWS CloudFormation stack
aws.cloudformation.DeployedTemplate: Deploys a CloudFormation template
aws.servicecatalog.Catalog: Defines an AWS Service Catalog
aws.servicecatalog.ProvisionedProduct: Deploys a provisioned product