Version 24.1.2
Updated 2024-05-20
Version 24.1.2
Updated 2024-05-20

Kubernetes (K8s) is an open source container orchestration platform. Deploy’s Kunernetes plugin lets you create and deploy Containers, Volume Configurations, Proxy Object, and Configuration Object to a Kubernetes cluster. The plugin uses the Kubernetes API libraries to communicate with the Kubernetes container cluster manager.


  • k8s.Cluster: Cluster is a set of nodes that run containerized applications

  • k8s.Kubeconfig: KubeconfigFile

  • k8s.BasePodContainer: Base container that acts as a container for Pod.

  • k8s.Namespace: Namespace that acts as a container for all other CIs like Pod, service etc.

  • k8s.AbstractPod: Abstract type which acts as parent for Pod and Deployment

  • k8s.Pod: Pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed with Kubernetes

  • k8s.ConfigMap: The ConfigMap API resource holds key-value pairs of configuration data that can be consumed in pods.

  • k8s.ConfigMapFile: Specification for a Kubernetes Config Map File

  • k8s.ConfigMapFolder: Specification for a Kubernetes Config Map Folder

  • k8s.Container: Specification for a Kubernetes Container

  • k8s.ContainerEnvVar: Container envionment variable.

  • k8s.envVar.ConfigMap: Selects a key of a ConfigMap.

  • k8s.envVar.KeyValue: Specification for Kubernetes Env Variable Key Value for a Container

  • k8s.envVar.Field: Selects a field of the pod.

  • k8s.envVar.ResourceField: Selects a resource of the container.

  • k8s.envVar.Secret: Selects a key of a secret in the pod’s namespace.

  • k8s.Volume: Specification for a Kubernetes volume.

  • k8s.MountedVolume: Specification for Kubernetes Mounted Volume Spec

  • k8s.ContainerPort: Port binding.

  • k8s.ContainerProbe: Container Probe.

  • k8s.ExecProbe: Execution Probe that executes a specified command inside the Container. The diagnostic is considered successful if the command exits with a status code of 0.

  • k8s.HTTPGetProbe: HTTP Get Probe that performs an HTTP Get request against the Container’s IP address on a specified port and path. The diagnostic is considered successful if the response has a status code greater than or equal to 200 and less than 400.

  • k8s.TCPSocketProbe: TCP Socket Probe that performs a TCP check against the Container’s IP address on a specified port. The diagnostic is considered successful if the port is open.

  • k8s.ReadinessExecProbe: Execution Probe for readiness

  • k8s.ReadinessHTTPGetProbe: HTTP Get Probe for Readiness

  • k8s.ReadinessTCPSocketProbe: TCP Socket Probe for Readiness

  • k8s.LivenessExecProbe: Execution Probe for Liveness

  • k8s.LivenessHTTPGetProbe: HTTP Get Probe for Liveness

  • k8s.LivenessTCPSocketProbe: TCP Socket Probe for Liveness

  • k8s.Deployment: Specifies kubernetes deployment

  • k8s.StatefulSet: Specifies kubernetess StatefulSet.

  • k8s.MatchExpression: Specfies the deploument selector expression

  • k8s.Service: Specification for Kubernetes Service.

  • k8s.ServicePort: Port binding for Service

  • k8s.Secret: Specification for Kubernetes Secret.

  • k8s.SecretFile: Specification for Kubernetes Secret File

  • k8s.AbstractResources: K8S Abstract Resource Template

  • k8s.Resources: Specifies kubernetes Generic Resource Template

  • k8s.PersistentVolume: Specification for Kubernetes Persistent Volume.

  • k8s.PersistentVolumeClaim: Specification for Kubernetes Persistent volume claim.

  • k8s.PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate: Specification for Kubernetes Persistent volume claim template for StatefulSet.

  • k8s.PVCMatchExpression: Specifies the persistent volume claim selector expression.

  • k8s.Ingress: Specification for Kubernetes Service.

  • k8s.IngressRule: Specifies kubernetes Ingress Rule Spec

  • k8s.TLS: Specifies kubernetes Ingress TLS Spec

  • k8s.IngressPath: Specifies kubernetes Ingress Path Spec

  • k8s.StorageClass: Specification for Kubernetes Storage Class.

  • k8s.CronJob: Specifies kubernetes cron job

Reference Images

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  • Set up the k8s.Master with minikube
  • Using Service Account Based Authentication functionality with GKE
  • Setting up the k8s.Master with AWS EKS

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