Red Hat OpenShift is a platform as a service (PaaS) product that supports many programming languages, databases, web application frameworks, and applications (web programming cartridges). The Deploy’s OpenShift plugin lets you deploy OpenShift and Kubernetes resource types to OpenShift environments directly from within Deploy. This plugin uses the Kubernetes and OpenShift API libraries to communicate with OpenShift.
openshift.Server: OpenShift server
openshift.Project: OpenShift Project.
openshift.Resources: OpenShift Generic Resource Template
openshift.TemplateResources: OpenShift Generic Resource Template
openshift.Route: OpenShift Route.
openshift.ImageStream: OpenShift Image Stream.
openshift.DeploymentConfig: OpenShift DeploymentConfig Template
openshift.DeploymentStrategy: Strategy describes how a deployment is executed.
openshift.RollingDeploymentStrategyParams: Rolling Deployment Params are the input to the Rolling deployment strategy.
openshift.DeploymentTriggerPolicy: Triggers determine how updates to a DeploymentConfig result in new deployments.
openshift.CustomDeploymentStrategyParams: CustomParams are the input to the Custom deployment strategy, and may also be specified for the Recreate and Rolling strategies to customize the execution process that runs the deployment.
openshift.RecreateDeploymentStrategyParams: RecreateParams are the input to the Recreate deployment strategy.