Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service, Git repository management solution for source code and development projects. It gives you a central place to manage git repositories, collaborate on your source code and guide you through the development flow. This integration allows user to create branches, create, approve and merge pull requests, create commit triggers, search file content and much more.
bitbucketServer.CommitTrigger: Listens to a Bitbucket server repository for fresh code commit
bitbucketCloud.CommitTrigger: Listens to a Bitbucket cloud repository for fresh code commit
bitbucketCloud.Task: Base abstract task which can be extended by other tasks
bitbucketCloud.CreatePullRequest: Creates a pull request from a source to target branch
bitbucketCloud.MergePullRequest: Merge a given Pull Request
bitbucketCloud.WaitForMerge: Waits for a Pull Request to merged
bitbucketCloud.DownloadCode: Downloads code for a given repository
bitbucketCloud.CommitsQuery: Commits a given list of files to the given branch
bitbucketCloud.tagRelease: Creates the Tag
bitbucket.Cloud: Http connection to Bitbucket cloud
bitbucketCloud.Tile: Base tile that can be extended for Bitbucket cloud
bitbucketCloud.CommitsTile: Display a list of the latest commits to a branch.
bitbucketCloud.ContributionsTile: Display authors and committers for the latest commits.
bitbucketCloud.TimelineTile: Display a timeline of commits.
bitbucketCloud.MergeRequestsTile: Display the breakdown of merge request statuses.
bitbucketServer.Task: Base task that can be extended for Bitbucket Server
bitbucketServer.CreatePullRequest: Create a pull request from a source to target branch
bitbucketServer.MergePullRequest: Merge a given pull request
bitbucketServer.DeclinePullRequest: Decline a given pull request
bitbucketServer.GetPullRequest: Get a pull request details
bitbucketServer.WaitForMerge: Wait for a pull request to be merged
bitbucketServer.TagRelease: Tag a release
bitbucket.Server: Http connection to Bitbucket Server
bitbucketServer.DownloadCode: Base abstract task that can be extended by other tasks
bitbucketServer.SearchFileContent: Search for file content in a given branch
bitbucketServer.DeleteBranch: Delete a given branch
bitbucketServer.CreateBranch: Create a branch from a commit point
bitbucketServer.ApprovePullRequest: Approve a given pull request
bitbucketServer.CommitsQuery: Create a commits query
bitbucketServer.cloneRepository: This task is used to clone repository from Bitbucket.
bitbucketServer.commitFiles: This task is used to commit files to Bitbucket repository.
bitbucketServer.CommitsTile: Display a list of the latest commits to a branch.
bitbucketServer.ContributionsTile: Display authors and committers for the latest commits.
bitbucketServer.TimelineTile: Display a timeline of commits.
bitbucketServer.MergeRequestsTile: Display the breakdown of merge request statuses.