The HashiCorp Vault plugin is a Release plugin to retrieve secrets from a Vault Server for use in your tasks and automations.
vault.Task: Abstract base task which can be extended by other tasks
vault.SecretsV1: Task to Access Secrets v1 from Vault
vault.SecretsV1-ReadDynamicSecret: Reads a dynamic secret from vault (type V1)
vault.SecretsV1-CreateSecret: Creates a secret in vault (type V1)
vault.SecretsV1-ReadSecret: Reads the secret from vault (type V1)
vault.SecretsV1-ListSecrets: Lists the secrets from vault (type V1)
vault.SecretsV1-DeleteSecret: Deletes a secret in vault (type V1)
vault.SecretsV1-EnableEngine: Enables the engine in vault (type V1)
vault.SecretsV2: Task to Access Secrets v2 from Vault
vault.SecretsV2-ReadSecret: Reads a secret from vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-EnableEngine: Enables the engine in vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-Configure: Configures vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-ReadConfiguration: Reads a configuration from vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-ReadSecretVersions: Reads the secret versions from vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-CreateSecret: Creates a secret in vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-PatchExistingSecret: Patches an existing secret in vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-DeleteVersion: Deletes the version in vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-UndeleteVersion: Undeletes a version in vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-DestroyVersion: Destroys the version in vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-ListSecrets: Lists the secrets from vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-ReadSecretMetadata: Reads the secret metadata from vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-UpdateMetadata: Updates the metadata in vault (type V2)
vault.SecretsV2-DeleteMetaDataAndAllVersions: Deletes the metadata and all versions from vault (type V2)