Version 23.1.0
Updated 2022-11-29
Version 23.1.0
Updated 2022-11-29

GitHub is a web-based version control repository hosting service, Git repository management solution for source code and development projects. It gives you a central place to manage git repositories, collaborate on your source code and guide you through the development flow. With the Intelligence GitHub connector, you will be able to integrate source code management data into Intelligence Solutions for the DevOps Lifecycle. This connector enables the extract of a rich set of Build, Commit, Review and other data across projects and repositories that enables Analytic Insights delivered in the Integrate and Test Lens.


  • Step 1: Configure access for in your GitHub instance.

  • Step 2: Create a role or user account on your GitHub instance with the necessary privileges.

  • Step 3: Create an API token for on your GitHub instance.

  • Step 4: Log in to GitHub, Click Profile picture icon, Click Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Token > Tokens Classic > Generate New Token Classic > Create Token.nIn the dialog box that appears, enter a token name nSet the required Permissions and then Click Create.

  • Step 5: Provide the GitHub credentials in the Source Instances page of the application.

  • Step 6: Log in to the Admin Site using the URL and enter your credentialsnSelect the correct instance name from the list in the selector.

  • Step 7: In the Properties tab, Select Application Connection. Enter the the User Name and password credential for GitHub instance.nEnter the password or API token for GitHub instance in the API Token field.

  • Step 8: Test Connection.

  • Step 9: Please refer to Connectivity guide for detailed configuration steps.

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