Terraform manage infrastructure

Version 24.1.0
Updated 2024-05-30
Version 24.1.0
Updated 2024-05-30

Workflow provides the steps that create, update, or destroy infrastructure in the cloud using Terraform.


  • xlrelease.UserInputTask:Git Repository Information: Provide the Git Repository Information where the Terraform configuration files (.tf) are located.

  • xlrelease.UserInputTask:Environment Variables and Values: The environment variables that can be set to customize the Terraform execution environment. This can include cloud provider authentication credentials.

    Example for AWS :
    {‘AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID’: ‘Your value’, ‘AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY’: ‘Your value’, ‘AWS_SESSION_TOKEN’: ‘Your value’}

  • xlrelease.UserInputTask:Create or Update infrastructure ?: Do you want to create or update infrastructure?

  • containerTerraform.Apply:Execute Terraform Apply: Automated task to execute the Terraform Apply command.
    It creates or updates infrastructure as defined in your Terraform configurations.

  • xlrelease.UserInputTask:Destroy Infrastructure?: Do you want to destroy infrastructure?

  • containerTerraform.Destroy:Execute Terraform Destroy: Automated task to execute the Terraform Destroy command.
    It destroys infrastructure as defined in your Terraform configurations.

Reference Images

  • 01_Git Repo Information

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